Is 2021 A Good Year to Invest In Real Estate?
Thanks for visiting, we hope you’ll find this article useful, as we’ll be looking at current market trends to answer the burning question, is 2021 a good year to invest in real estate! We all know it’s part of the job for a Real Estate Investor to understand market conditions. That’s why we took the opportunity to provide our thoughts on the housing market with some stats to back it up. We hope it helps you decide how healthy our market is. The data in this article relates to the Denver Metro area but, the trends are relevant across many Colorado markets.
The Colorado Real Estate Market is Looking Strong into 2021
When looking toward the end of the year, all indications lead us to substantial gains in resale values. The average residential property price chart below shows property prices over the last five years, and the news is excellent for investors.
Residential Property Closings – Are You Really Still Asking, Is 2021 A Good Year to Invest In Real Estate?
In addition to property values increasing, home closings are up more than 7% versus last year, which is more than any other time in recent history.
Average Listings Indicate A Hot Market and Competition For Inventory
On the other hand, new listings are flat and have even shrunk by up to 2 percent versus last year. We attribute this to the fact that properties are not staying on the market for long. In fact, the average listing time has dropped to around 22 days, down 13 days over the previous year!
Foreclosures Are Down
Foreclosures are below 6.5%, and interest rates are at all-time lows. Beyond this, the Fed has made it clear they have no appetite to increase interest rates anytime soon. As long as cheap money continues to be available, the market will continue to build momentum.
Inventory Is Tight, But Deals Are Out There!
While inventories are tight and deals are harder to find, this market is hot, making it a great time to build on to your portfolio or to start it by getting into real estate investing for the first time.
Get In The Game Now!
So now what? We’ve answered the question, is 2021 A Good Year to Invest In Real Estate. What’s the excuse that will keep you from moving forward? What’s holding you back from your goal of becoming wealthy by investing in real estate? It’s time to stop procrastinating!. Put away your fear, and get started on your real estate investment career. You don’t need hundreds of thousands of dollars to build your investment portfolio. Yes, you’ll need some cash to get started, but we’ll loan you the rest if you’re capable and driven.
We’re going to ask one more time, what’s stopping you? Is it your credit? That’s an excuse!
Many of the investors we deal with have sub-par credit. We understand that credit scores are not good indicators of your investment ability. Is it a lack of funds? That’s an excuse! As we’ve said, you need some cash. But your down payment can be as low as 10%. There are plenty of strategies and ways to get the cash you need to get in the game.
Is it a lack of experience? That’s a terrible excuse! This is the worst excuse. Everyone started with no experience!
They’re all excuses, not valid reasons that stop you from pursuing your dream career. Give us a call. Let’s discuss your situation. You may have more liquidity than you think.
2021 looks to be a great year to get in the game, and we can help you! We are a direct private lender that specializes in real estate investment loans. Robert Kearney, the owner of Abbey Mortgage, is an excellent resource to help get you on the right track in your investment business. We also have relationships with real estate agents who specialize in properties for real estate investors. Get In The Game Now and
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